Friday, April 3, 2009


Flash. The idea appears, it transforms and dominates all other thought. There is an echo in my head " If you think it and believe it you can achieve it!". Not one speaker I've studied has left that out. Thoughts of the past attempts start to haunt me. I can honestly say I haven't yet felt so passionate about a new venture to keep me moving forward for any length of time. The more time spent just thinking, opportunity slips away. Fear starts to sneak in, fear grabs hold of my ideas, my ideas are held captive and fear rules. The battle begins.

As I read Tribes by Seth Godin, the question is raised. What am I fearing? It's the fear of failure that has had the power over my future since I can remember. But is it really fear of failure? Failure it self is crucial for one to experience in order to grow. As I dig deeper within myself I come up with the two suspects I truly fear. The fear of criticism and or of rejection has been under disguised and hard at work. Although the critics and rejection will always be here, how I perceive them will be the key to getting past them and on to success.

The action steps will be to not only remind myself that I can and will take power away from these two tyrants by understanding and acknowledging they have been beat before by many. But also to talk about them with others who have been to war with them and have succeeded.

Putting it all together will be a task. Taking action will be crucial and keeping action is essential.

Any thoughts or experiences with this matter will be highly appreciated.

And here I stand, Exposed.

TODAY'S QUOTE :~ Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. ~

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Talk to at least one person a day for the next week about what it is your truly afraid of. Look for tools you can use and share to get past these fears.

1 comment:

  1. Juan,
    I have had those same questions roll through my head nearly my whole adult life. I finally started to take action a year ago with books, cd's, and even went to the extent of a life coach, that was the best move I had ever made..! You now know that you want to step up and make a change that will benifit you for the rest of your life.. Keep up the fun and exciting work at the life you want to lead..!!
