Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The plan...start achieving my fitness goals, start a fitness blog and record my progress. Reach out to people I can help through my experience.

The decision...to start moving in the direction of my passion, to pursue what makes me happy in life. To capture my dreams. To accomplish.

The promise... to never give up.

As my fitness blog is under construction, ideas race out of my head so fast I don't know how they make it on my pad. Suddenly I don't recognize whats on the pad. The original plan remains but off to the side there seems to be a new plan developing. I turn the page and see more on this new plan. I turn back to the original plan and it some how had a few added ideas and a few erased. What's happening with my plans? I had it all mapped out. My thoughts and plans are under attack by this change process. Is this going to be anything like what I had planned?

What's next?

Change. Change is, and will remain unstoppable. Being able to recognize where improvements are necessary and making the proper changes will be a must. Taking a risk, moving out of my comfort zone and taking action is a change I personnaly must embrace from this point on.

TODAY'S QUOTE : You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself.
~Alan Alda~

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Think of two areas in your life you could change to get you closer to your're goal. From this day forward, do you're best to improve on those two areas daily.

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