Friday, March 27, 2009


I wake, Desire burns strong. I have limited time to work on my business ideas and to create my soon to be fitness blog, which will reach out and inspire many.I have researched and found that time management is key to accomplishing my goals in a timely manner. I have taken the time to organize my day, hoping to get the most I can out of today's race. There is no shortage of ideas, the list goes on and on. Endless possibility's flood my head!

Time to research. My research list does not rest, there is a lot to do. I search blogs which relate to my work, trying to gain more insight on the subject. I join Seth Godin's blog and read, building my leadership skills. And I manage to add a feature here, on my life blog.

Time hasn't stopped! There is little left, hurry! The bills still need to be paid, you've been putting that off. And you still need to get your son fed and ready to go! Pack your lunch, get ready for work. Don't forget you're digital recorder....don't forget you're pen and note pad, you must get all new ideas out of your head and noted. And please don't forget reading material to gain inspiration and growth! I'm off to the dreaded job, knowing I should be grateful, but I fall short.

Work. More ideas recorded. Inspiration climbs! Excitement soars!

I get a text..."Hmm mm no blog today...what a let down! I think you should build a fan base before adding adsense."

WTF! What did he just say? Does he know how much I've accomplished today? Or how much time I actually have? Or don't have? Is he saying I have failed today? That I'm not good enough?

Frustration. Inspiration and excitement meet defeat, together. Wait.....

can my perception be off? Didn't I read about this in the last few days? This is not only my friend, he is like the brother I never had. We have been through thick and thin, I KNOW he wouldn't try to discourage me! Is my ego so strong that I didn't hear what he said. This is that same fear shouting from within, trying to hold me back to stay put in it's comfort zone. It's plagued me for years. I must brake free of this tyrant! It will not reign over me any longer!

I can let my fear rule over me and hold me down like every other attempt at something new. Or I can EF'N get over myself, listen and use what he said to my advantage to grow even better. As I thought about it more, I'm positive that was the point of the text. If I can get out of my own way, I would have nowhere to go but up from here. I can only imagine if everything people said to me was used to better myself. Success would build on a daily basis.

I hope to remember this along my way to reach my goals through my failures and successes. I will do my upmost to use this insight and share it with all.

And here I stand, Exposed

And to my anonymous friend, I know you will read this post. And I say thank you for your support, And I love you man.

TODAY'S QUOTE : We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.
-Samuel Smiles-

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Invite others to give you there oppionion or views on how you can improve in a desired area. Find what you can use to improve and share your gratitude.

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