Sunday, March 29, 2009


2, 3, 4 books surround me....One shouts LEADERSHIP the other WEB 2.0 STRATEGY quickly followed with MAKE TODAY COUNT! And the magazine articles stand firm behind them.

Flooded. Am I learning to be a leader, marketer or web designer? I just want to reach people I can help, using my knowledge and experience in health and fitness. Do I want to spend so much time on this blog? Do I really want to put myself out there in front of everyone? How do I write an article for one of these blog thingies anyway? Is that another research task I need to add on my mile long to do list?

Explosion! My thoughts come crashing down and my head. What is it I'm doing again? I find myself searching the Internet for hours..." How to write a article"..."Sign up for feed burner here"..." Blog software reviews"...." Using proper grammar"...And the list goes on.


A phone call to a trusted friend and a conversation with my supportive girlfriend helped uncover the big picture. As I was guided through the forest of thoughts in my head and back onto the road which I strayed, it all started coming back. I found there are going to be important steps I will need to follow to keep sight of why I am keeping this blog of myself, And to help me get closer to creating a fitness blog that will help people achieve there goals using my knowledge and experience.

Keep a MAP close-
By keeping a written map of what it is I want to accomplish and WHY, I will stay on track with my progress. Also a list of what needs to happen next to get one step closer to my goal. Followed by a list of areas I need to improve in. Areas such as leading, writing articles, marketing, speaking...etc. Keeping in mind that everything changes constantly, this list will have to be updated and revised as time goes on.

I can find myself way out in the future, lost and alone in my head. Worry and fear often follows. Talking is a sure defence that can prevent disaster. It's a very important part in my learning process. As I converse about what is going on in my busy head, I keep an opened mind and welcome new realizations and ideas. And by talking them out with others, I gain clarity and I learn something new I can put to work. By talking I can remain in the here and now and not alone in my head trapped in the awful "what if" hole.

As I'm sure there are a dozen more tips that one could follow, I ask for you as an audience to share. As a community, we can all grow together sharing our life experiences.I find by keeping track of my goals by visiting my written out map, talking to people I trust and keeping an opened mind I not only stay positive but motivated as well.Taking one step at a time,not taking myself so serious, having fun and sharing with others is my focus right now.

I express my gratitude to all in my life. I ask all who are interested to please join and give your thoughts, opinions and experiences to further growth to who ever seeks to grow in life.All comments are not only welcomed but much appreciated.

And here I stand, Exposed

TODAY'S QUOTE : "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
-Robert Collier-

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Write out a goal you want to reach.This can be a short term goal or long term goal. Then create a map of tasks you have to accomplish to reach your goal. When you finish your map, share with some one you trust and talk about your new journey.

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