Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The plan...start achieving my fitness goals, start a fitness blog and record my progress. Reach out to people I can help through my experience.

The decision...to start moving in the direction of my passion, to pursue what makes me happy in life. To capture my dreams. To accomplish.

The promise... to never give up.

As my fitness blog is under construction, ideas race out of my head so fast I don't know how they make it on my pad. Suddenly I don't recognize whats on the pad. The original plan remains but off to the side there seems to be a new plan developing. I turn the page and see more on this new plan. I turn back to the original plan and it some how had a few added ideas and a few erased. What's happening with my plans? I had it all mapped out. My thoughts and plans are under attack by this change process. Is this going to be anything like what I had planned?

What's next?

Change. Change is, and will remain unstoppable. Being able to recognize where improvements are necessary and making the proper changes will be a must. Taking a risk, moving out of my comfort zone and taking action is a change I personnaly must embrace from this point on.

TODAY'S QUOTE : You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself.
~Alan Alda~

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Think of two areas in your life you could change to get you closer to your're goal. From this day forward, do you're best to improve on those two areas daily.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


2, 3, 4 books surround me....One shouts LEADERSHIP the other WEB 2.0 STRATEGY quickly followed with MAKE TODAY COUNT! And the magazine articles stand firm behind them.

Flooded. Am I learning to be a leader, marketer or web designer? I just want to reach people I can help, using my knowledge and experience in health and fitness. Do I want to spend so much time on this blog? Do I really want to put myself out there in front of everyone? How do I write an article for one of these blog thingies anyway? Is that another research task I need to add on my mile long to do list?

Explosion! My thoughts come crashing down and my head. What is it I'm doing again? I find myself searching the Internet for hours..." How to write a article"..."Sign up for feed burner here"..." Blog software reviews"...." Using proper grammar"...And the list goes on.


A phone call to a trusted friend and a conversation with my supportive girlfriend helped uncover the big picture. As I was guided through the forest of thoughts in my head and back onto the road which I strayed, it all started coming back. I found there are going to be important steps I will need to follow to keep sight of why I am keeping this blog of myself, And to help me get closer to creating a fitness blog that will help people achieve there goals using my knowledge and experience.

Keep a MAP close-
By keeping a written map of what it is I want to accomplish and WHY, I will stay on track with my progress. Also a list of what needs to happen next to get one step closer to my goal. Followed by a list of areas I need to improve in. Areas such as leading, writing articles, marketing, speaking...etc. Keeping in mind that everything changes constantly, this list will have to be updated and revised as time goes on.

I can find myself way out in the future, lost and alone in my head. Worry and fear often follows. Talking is a sure defence that can prevent disaster. It's a very important part in my learning process. As I converse about what is going on in my busy head, I keep an opened mind and welcome new realizations and ideas. And by talking them out with others, I gain clarity and I learn something new I can put to work. By talking I can remain in the here and now and not alone in my head trapped in the awful "what if" hole.

As I'm sure there are a dozen more tips that one could follow, I ask for you as an audience to share. As a community, we can all grow together sharing our life experiences.I find by keeping track of my goals by visiting my written out map, talking to people I trust and keeping an opened mind I not only stay positive but motivated as well.Taking one step at a time,not taking myself so serious, having fun and sharing with others is my focus right now.

I express my gratitude to all in my life. I ask all who are interested to please join and give your thoughts, opinions and experiences to further growth to who ever seeks to grow in life.All comments are not only welcomed but much appreciated.

And here I stand, Exposed

TODAY'S QUOTE : "Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
-Robert Collier-

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Write out a goal you want to reach.This can be a short term goal or long term goal. Then create a map of tasks you have to accomplish to reach your goal. When you finish your map, share with some one you trust and talk about your new journey.

Friday, March 27, 2009


I wake, Desire burns strong. I have limited time to work on my business ideas and to create my soon to be fitness blog, which will reach out and inspire many.I have researched and found that time management is key to accomplishing my goals in a timely manner. I have taken the time to organize my day, hoping to get the most I can out of today's race. There is no shortage of ideas, the list goes on and on. Endless possibility's flood my head!

Time to research. My research list does not rest, there is a lot to do. I search blogs which relate to my work, trying to gain more insight on the subject. I join Seth Godin's blog and read, building my leadership skills. And I manage to add a feature here, on my life blog.

Time hasn't stopped! There is little left, hurry! The bills still need to be paid, you've been putting that off. And you still need to get your son fed and ready to go! Pack your lunch, get ready for work. Don't forget you're digital recorder....don't forget you're pen and note pad, you must get all new ideas out of your head and noted. And please don't forget reading material to gain inspiration and growth! I'm off to the dreaded job, knowing I should be grateful, but I fall short.

Work. More ideas recorded. Inspiration climbs! Excitement soars!

I get a text..."Hmm mm no blog today...what a let down! I think you should build a fan base before adding adsense."

WTF! What did he just say? Does he know how much I've accomplished today? Or how much time I actually have? Or don't have? Is he saying I have failed today? That I'm not good enough?

Frustration. Inspiration and excitement meet defeat, together. Wait.....

can my perception be off? Didn't I read about this in the last few days? This is not only my friend, he is like the brother I never had. We have been through thick and thin, I KNOW he wouldn't try to discourage me! Is my ego so strong that I didn't hear what he said. This is that same fear shouting from within, trying to hold me back to stay put in it's comfort zone. It's plagued me for years. I must brake free of this tyrant! It will not reign over me any longer!

I can let my fear rule over me and hold me down like every other attempt at something new. Or I can EF'N get over myself, listen and use what he said to my advantage to grow even better. As I thought about it more, I'm positive that was the point of the text. If I can get out of my own way, I would have nowhere to go but up from here. I can only imagine if everything people said to me was used to better myself. Success would build on a daily basis.

I hope to remember this along my way to reach my goals through my failures and successes. I will do my upmost to use this insight and share it with all.

And here I stand, Exposed

And to my anonymous friend, I know you will read this post. And I say thank you for your support, And I love you man.

TODAY'S QUOTE : We learn wisdom from failure much more than success. We often discover what we will do, by finding out what we will not do.
-Samuel Smiles-

TODAY'S CHALLENGE : Invite others to give you there oppionion or views on how you can improve in a desired area. Find what you can use to improve and share your gratitude.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Thousands of ideas running through my head with a thousand things to accomplish. The race with time is on. I only have today to get as much done as I can with what I have available.

Pen and notepad, check. digital recorder, check. Now what? where do I go from here? I have 30 more Min's to work on my new found passion before I have to go to my job. There are a million ideas and to dos I have written down, where do I start?

Jenn and I had a short conversation this morning on time management. What do the experts in the field have to say? Here is a must read blog post from Darren Hardy, Publisher of Success magazine.

Posted by: Darren Hardy

This step has been called “the greatest secret of the rich.”
There is one force in our life that makes everyone equal. You are given the same amount as Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey and Donald Trump. How you handle and treat this force is the single most important contributor to the income you will have and the lifestyle you will lead. This is why Jim Rohn called it the single “greatest secret of the rich.” The secret? The management of time. Rich or poor, we all have 24 hours every day, seven days every week and 365 days every year. Time is life’s most precious commodity, and how it is managed separates the rich from the poor.

A few distinctions:• The planet is spinning, the clock is ticking and the fuse of time is burning, despite what you do. It’s up to you to make your time count.• Time is perishable; you can’t save it. Once it’s gone, it’s gone forever. You have to spend it. Spend it wisely.• You cannot manage time; time marches on with or without you. All you can do is manage yourself.
Get a Better ROE

When I interviewed Dr. Oz for the October 2008 issue of SUCCESS, I asked him for his secret on how he manages his time. He performs 250 open-heart surgeries a year and is a professor; a chairman of surgery; a director of a medical program; a prolific writer; a regular on TV and radio, including on Oprah; and he is in the middle of launching his own TV show. Oh, and he is also a devoted husband and father of four. A time-management question seemed appropriate.
What he said was one of the best distinctions on time management I have ever heard:“It’s not about time management. It’s about energy management.The things you do in your life should give you that zest for life.”

If you are doing a good job at efficiently and effectively using your time, but you’re doing things that drain your life force and zap your joy, what good is being done? You will immediately know if you should be spending your time on something by whether it gives you energy or takes it away.
“I recognize why you want to make the money, but I can tell you right now that you should pursue what you love in life because, if you love it, you’ll be really good at it. And if you’re good at it, you’ll make money at it.” –Dr. Mehmet C. Oz

Your management task is to spend more time on what gives you energy and to guard against, eliminate, delegate or mitigate your time on those things that take energy away from you.
As an investor of your time, look for ways to get a better “Return on Energy” (ROE).
Do Not Haste to Find the Waste

Wasting time is the biggest killer of your hopes, dreams and ambitions. It is what separates the Trumps, Bransons, Gates and Winfreys from the rest of us. It is critical that you identify the ways that you waste time, typically without even knowing it.
Time wastefulness is one of the biggest reasons why we are producing less and working longer – we have created more ways to waste time.

There was an interesting study done, which concluded that more than 50 percent of time spent at work is wasted. When studying those who were supposed to be working 40 hours, their start and stop times only amounted to 32 hours. Fifty percent of those 32 hours were wasted on unproductive, unprofitable, low-priority activities. Then, 37 percent of the remaining 50 percent was spent working on personal business, surfing the Internet, eating lunch, taking breaks and chitchatting with co-workers. This means, on average, most people are only doing about 10 hours of productive work each week. It’s no wonder you, the company and the nation can’t seem to get ahead!

Be a Smarter Spender
In his book First Things First, Stephen Covey describes how to better allocate our valuable work time. In his Time Management Matrix, he shows us how to discern between what is important, not important, urgent and not urgent, and where most of our time should be spent. I won’t repeat it here, but you can brush up on these important distinctions here and here.
Be a Better Trader

In life, we are traders. We are constantly trading our time for something: time for money; time with the family for time at the office; time at the gym for time on the couch; time today for a better future. Our life becomes the product of how good of a trader we become. Trade wisely. Define your values—what’s most important to you in life? And always be trading your time towards your most important values.

The Only Way to Get More Time
You are already spending 24 hours a day and you don’t have enough time. How are you going to possibly get more done? The only way is to reevaluate how you spend your time and stop doing the time wasters, period. If you don’t like what your life has become or you want to take your life to the next level, you need to figure out what you can stop doing so that you can concentrate on what you should be doing in order to get better results in your life. We covered this process extensively in Step 1 and your Stop-Doing List.
Life is time. How you learn to utilize it determines your life. Want a better life? Become better at allocating your time.

Today's quote:

Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year - and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!Anthony Robbins

Today's challenge:

Which two time wasters can you eliminate this week to better use your time?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This is my life in the making, completely exposed. The quest to find who I am and who I want to become. Clarifying my vision and bringing hope to our lives. Changing the rules of my life and capturing my dreams one step at a time.

My battles with life's struggles and setbacks and pushing through failure to succeed. The war against myself to defeat fear and selfdoubt.

This is my life in the making, completely exposed. A new beginning starts here and now. My journey to create success from my life long passions.

Welcome to my life.